Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Birth stories

In my first post, I shared that being a doula is what I love. But how did I come to realize this? I'll tell you...Once upon a time, long long ago, I gave birth to a perfect little 7 and a 1/2 pound baby girl I named Jeannie.
Because she was my first, and I was young-just 19-I delivered her in the hospital. The labor and delivery was normal, unmedicated, and fairly short for a first baby, about 12 hours from water breaking to end. Fast forward 4 years later to being pregnant with our son, Jacob.
My husband was laid off from his job and we found ourselves without health insurance. This is when we looked into having our baby with a midwife at home. The cost was affordable and the result was so satisfying. Labor was shorter and easier at home, and Jacob was delivered in our bed on the evening of Christmas Eve, with our family present. Soon afterwards, I got pregnant with our youngest, and we knew without a doubt that we would deliver her at home as well. 
Jaleah was born just as easily as her brother, and weighed over 9 pounds as well. From that point on, I could never say enough about having babies naturally, and with a midwife. Because my experiences of labor and birth were so positive, I want to help women to feel that way about their labors as well. This is why I became a doula. ~Missy

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